Monitoring and evaluation manual pdf

It will help ensure that ifads methodological practice remains state of the art. Monitoring and evaluation systems, but that, at the same time, fail to structure and disseminate the knowledge generated in a way that fosters a broader learning cycle within the organization. Activity monitoring, evaluation and learning mel plan. Projectprogramme monitoring and evaluation guide what is this guide. In a readerfriendly style, the manual provides answers to what monitoring and evaluation are about, and what it takes to perform.

Development cooperation as part of foreign policy 1. Monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning meal. A practitioners manual on monitoring and evaluation of. The handbook recognizes that planning, monitoring and evaluation require a focus on. A guidea guidebook for monitoring and evaluation book for monitoring and evaluationbook for monitoring and evaluation by bernardita p. Introduction to monitoring and evaluation acknowledgments this modular monitoring and evaluation training course is the result of the best thinking and creativity of a large number of individuals throughout family health international fhi, both those in the field and those in the arlington office. Indicators should be objective, verifiable and clearly understood by all stakeholders 5. The activity mel plan serves multiple purposes, but primarily describes how usaid and the ip will know whether an activity is making progress toward stated results.

Monitoring and evaluation manual dansk handicap forbund. Evaluation evaluation refers to the periodic midterm, final assessment and analysis of an ongoing or completed project. Monitoring and evaluation is a key part of improving this work. Manual for monitoring and evaluating education partnershipsship.

The first is an individual practice tracking sheet, which captures the adoption of a series of good agricultural and management practices by individual group members. It is intended to be an area for dialogue for those working to give new credibility and consistency to the solidarity of the development cooperation. As a pdf format, you can print this out, or type into it. A step by step guide to monitoring and evaluation university of. Guidelines for programme design, monitoring and evaluation table of contents key terms 1. Concepts and common methods for behaviour change communications campaigns facilitators guide october 2012 usaid communications support for health project lusaka, zambia.

This manual intends to provide some basic information and practical guidelines on project monitoring and evaluation in order to enhance better understanding on project monitoring and evaluation. Highquality monitoring of information encourages timely decisionmaking, ensures project accountability, and provides a robust foundation for evaluation and learning. Monitoring, reporting and evaluation page 1 contents page 7. To some people, a monitoring and evaluation manual may sound like yet another administrative burden imposed upon development work. The main difference is in the kind of indicators and measures of progress you track, and the evaluation approaches you use. This minicourse covers the basics of program monitoring and evaluation in the context of population, health, and nutrition programs. Monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning meal 10. The willingness to adopt a monitoring and evaluation manual represents a further step in. The manual has been developed primarily for use by people managing projects and pro. Nevertheless, this one has been conceived as a tool to make the project even better. Participatory monitoring, evaluation, reflection and learning. Handbook for monitoring and evaluation measure evaluation.

While published jointly by unaids and the world bank, it has benefited from extensive consultation and piloting among african countries and other stakeholders who recognize the. The document that guides activity monitoring and learning. Negotiate between stakeholders to decide what to monitor and evaluate 4. Practical manual olga morozova, olga varetska, daniel jones, pepukai chikukwa, tetyana salyuk. Monitoring and evaluation ideas are not new everyone applies monitoring and evaluation practices to some extent in their work and home lives. Programme operations, unicef, new york, revised may 2003, pp. For instructions on how monitoring and evaluation should be covered in design. This publication, the handbook on monitoring and evaluating for results, a d d r e s s e s the monitoring and evaluation of development results.

Cesar glennglenn ricci ricci ricci 2007 germano, b. Monitoring and evaluation practice in bangladesh 34 4. Best practice in road fund monitoring in preparing this manual, a survey of best practices from around the world regarding technical monitoring and evaluation manuals was conducted with a view to adapting the existing rfb documents to a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation manual. Introduction to monitoring and evaluation using the. Some tools, methods, and approaches english abstract. In development work, we use monitoring to watch over and document the process and outputs pro duced in a project or an organisation. Handbook on planning monitoring and evaluating for development. Monitoring and evaluation is not an addon at the end start early and build monitoring and evaluation into the project from the beginning 3. Training manual on basic monitoring and evaluation of. Forum solint monitoring and evaluation manual the forum solint the forum solint was promoted by five italian ngos cisp, coopi, cosv, intersos and movimondo. Monitoring monitoring refers to the routine monitoring of project resources, activities and results, and analysis of the information to guide project implementation. This allows judging the benefits of a programme against its costs and identifying which intervention has the highest rate of return. How to manage genderresponsive evaluation is a practical handbook to help those initiating, managing andor using genderresponsive evaluations.

This monitoring and evaluation operations manual is the result of several. Facilitating surveillance, monitoring, and evaluation in malariaendemic countries. Monitoring and evaluation manual food security and nutrition. Evaluation the systematic investigation of whether a program is effective. It is meant to be a desktop reference that supplements the more concise and fieldfriendly ifrc pmer pocket guide. All modules in this manual were used for the regional training on monitoring and evaluation. As with programmes, the design of advocacy interventions determines the monitoring and evaluation approaches you can use.

Handbook on monitoring and evaluation of human resources for. Participatory monitoring, evaluation, reflection and. In this session we will be looking at how you can monitor and evaluate advocacy. The training methodology and the possible exercises that could be used to facilitate learning are mentioned in the. Monitoring and evaluation can sometimes seem like an unaffordable luxury, an administrative burden, or an unwelcome instrument of external oversight. Systematic and regular monitoring will ensure collection, analysis and utilization of vital programme information to inform programme decisions while act. Introduction to monitoring and evaluation using the logical. Monitoring helps project managers to understand whether the. Pmer planning, monitoring, evaluation and reporting. Training manual on basic monitoring and evaluation of social. It is through the continuous monitoring of project performance that you have an opportunity to learn about what is working well and what challenges are arising. Monitoring and evaluation operations manual measure. This2009versionofthehandbookonplanning,monitoringandevaluatingfor developmentresultsaimstosupportundpinbecomingmoreresultsorientedand. Isbn 9668754212 this manual provides practical recommendations on the development and support of programme monitoring and evaluation systems for programmes and projects providing.

Introduction monitoring the routine process of data collection monthly, quarterly, annually intended to measure whether the program is doing what is set out to do. Handbook on monitoring and evaluation of human resources for health. Doc results based monitoring and evaluation manual. It is intended to support country offices in aligning their monitoring and evaluation systems with rbm methodologyspecifically in tracking and measuring the performance of undp. Monitoring and evaluation implementation framework for continuing professional development cpd 1. Guidelines for programme design, monitoring and evaluation. Managing for impact in rural development a guide for. Individual practice tracking sheet and group maturity sheet the ppt is comprised of two forms. How monitoring and evaluation information feeds into the policy cycle 58. Basic principles of monitoring and evaluation monitoring and evaluation usually include information on the cost of the programme being monitored or evaluated. Similarly, it is common to find organizations where monitoring and evaluation policies and learning policies serve somewhat different development. Site inspection of civil works rhd related projects 56 5.